Find Your Saw
Want to buy a great, used DeWalt? Look for the right model!
We’ll start off with a bit of advice straight from Mr. Sawdust (from his book chapter titled “The Great Do-It-Yourself Era”):
Northern New Jersey bought over 3,000 DeWalts each year for ten years. (NY sold a like amount—and California always outsold everybody!) Chances are, most of those machines exist today!
You’re reading this book, for one of two good reasons: You either own an early DeWalt—or you wish you did!
It’s my honest opinion that within a very few miles of you, there’s a beautiful old DeWalt just waiting for you to own it. All you have to do is find it.
A little ad, in a little newspaper, can do the trick. Don’t let it sound like you’re willing to pay just any amount of money. “Looking for old DeWalt Power Shop. The older the better. Any condition. Must have solid cast arm and the motor must run.”
With this book, you’ll be able to put it in “like new” condition. In fact, better than new!
… and yet again on the matter, from page 212 of his book:
Again, I say, if you are not happy with your present radial saw, find an early DeWalt (as much as 50 years old), and get the precision you deserve. There are hundreds of them in existence. All they need is some TLC!
So on that note, here's what you are looking for… (and do excuse and/or enjoy these original graphics – which would appear to be from right around the time someone discovered “drop shadow” in an early word processor.)
At any given time, you’re almost certain to find something nearby on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.
Take a look at the current eBay auctions (just be sure to narrow down the geographic range – unless you want to spend $400 to ship a $50 “deal of a lifetime” across the country.